TDS Driving Academy,LLC
TDS Driving Academy,LLC

Educational Offerings



For current price information, please contact us directly. We're more than happy to answer all your questions!


All behind the wheel training is individual, only 1 student for each session.


-PA approved on-line course can be purchased in an alone form (without BTW)


- PA approved on-line course and 6 hours of behind the wheel training.  Price Discount


- Sessions can be purchased hourly. (must be purchased in 2 hr. block)


-End of Skills test will not be administred until a 30 hour PA approved course has been completed


As of 5/17/15 all fees should be paid directly to TDS Driving Academy,LLC




Online Course info:



Contact Info

TDS Driving Academy,LLC

Johnstown, PA 


Phone: 1-814-536-7198

Cell: 814-341-5671 Preferred



Or use our contact form.


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TDS Driving Academy

Special Offer

Sign up for both the online class and 6 hours of behind the wheel and receive a  discount. Contact US, Today      

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